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Hey everyone :) from perth

zacy boy

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Hey guys, I recently bought a royal blue halfmoon pair, immediately after I bought them I noticed they where interested in one another and so I thought I would give breeding a shot, needless to say, after the first week my bettas had mated and I had approximately 100 fry hatch shortley after. I am now hooked aha, and have recently just bought a pair of black copper dragon hm pk and was directed to ausaqua by a friend :).

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Hey Zac,

Welcome to the party, they're pretty addictive little fish I must admit.

We'd love to see some photos, but to show them on here, you have to have them hosted elsewhere - photo bucket is the easiest to use as you just click on the direct link to make pics appear in threads:


Hope you find the forum handy.



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Thanks so much I will look into it :) just an update my copper black dragon hm pk female is in the process of spawning with my royal blue halfmoon boy :) interesting to see the spawn when they grow up :) I will upload some pics as soon as I can :)

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Hey Zacy

I use wardleys liquid fry food four the first couple of days then move onto MW but I get them on to grindels as soon as posible. Lots of people use BBS but I must admit I dont have much luck wwith them so I dont bother but if you are tring to hatch BBS then get fresh eggs I think Morley has them fresh regulerly. hope all goes well with your spawns



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Hey Zacy

No it dosnt sound terible. They are a small white worm that can be culture for fish to eat, you can culture them in a soiless culture or in core fiber / peat, some people feed them fish flakes but I feed mine high quality cat biscuits, the ones that have the highest protein. I find that feeding this way and combined withfrequent water changes I get good growth and healthy fish there are some threds on this forum for culturing grindels have a look , also you might want to check out some of the threads on raising fry. once you have done that if you would like a culture to get you going let me know and I will give you one OK



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I will give you a culture if you want as I have plenty are you north or south of the river? let me know and we can arange a place to meet to pick them up OK. have you got any floating plnts as I have some Riccia, frog bit and water sprite if you would like some.



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Hey Zacy boy

Its for free Zac I dont want any money for it its a hobbie for me not a buisness. I just hope that at some stage during your fishkeeping experiance you will do the favour to another persone getting started.

So PM me if you would like to meet up and what you want from the list.



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