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Colour Enhancers For Betta Ques?


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Hey guys,

i feed my plakats bloodworms,mosquito larvaes and betta pellets.I recently started giving them the occasional colour enhancing

pellets the brand is "HAI FENG FAST COLOUR" the packet says it has natural ingredients to enhance the fishes colour such as spirulina and krill.

I feed my cichlids these all the time and thought it would be awesome for my bettas because my cichlids seem enjoy the pellets.

I noticed the heads and gills of a couple of my plakats are going red and also their bellies,and i really mean a dark red colour!!!

Their faces have red marks appearing on it doesnt looking look like any diseases or anything they arent showing any signs of sickness also.Just

wanted to know is it ok to feed them these pellets? But they seem to be enjoying the pellets also.what are your opinions?

cheers Dan!!

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wouldn't subject any of my fish to these pellets.... some unscrupulous fish sellers and even some LFS in Australia use similar to make female fish colour up like males and eventually the fish succumb to the ingredients of the pellets (eg: die) - good for sales though....

Stick to natural foods is best....

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my plakats seem to be ok.But i think ill stay away from the enhancers the colours seem to be changing so quickly

ill admit it has made the fishes more shiny n brighter but in the long run i think it will be a health issue,(Melbournebetta) definately has a point it isnt a natural source of bringing the best out of my bettas.Better be safe than sorry.

appreciate the help guys!

Edited by jdmsta1
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Ah, I wasn't aware this brand was like that. But it is perfectly fine to feed a betta pellets designed for cichlids... just make sure it's a good brand. :)

yep will definately make sure !!! no more colour boosters hehe =p .Thanks

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