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Hello from Gippsland


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Hi all.

My name is Brendan, Let me start by thanking you all for a fantastic forum filled with great info and photos of more things I want to buy...

I live in Gippsland in Victoria. I currently have two Male Bettas and several females as well as a 3 ft community tank mostly with tetras bristle nose catfish and some other random's I have been given. But my main passion is Bettas. I am currently considering trying my hand at breeding some of my Bettas or perhaps buying a pair to breed with. Which is what originally brought me here.

Thanks again for all the useful advise and information on this forum.


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Hey Brendan,

I'm a Gippy girl (originally from Leongatha) but now in Melbourne- welcome to the forum!

I've said it once, i've said it a million times - we're gluts for pics, so when and if you can, we'd love you to get a photobucket account and share your fish with us.

Are there many Aquariums out your way? I can't remember seeing anything except petstock on my last drive out east.

Anyhoo, there's plenty going on in Melbourne so far as the Betta are concerned we even have a website (www.victoriabetta.com)

As far as buying breeding stock - sort of depends what you're after, Halfmoons are a little harder to come-by than Veil tails and Crowntails, which are often at Local Fish Stores.

Subscape Aquarium have some Halfmoons in stock now (Aussie bred) and of course someone Lee has her Youtube Channel with fish for sale (QLD)

Just don't get too carried away on Aquabid.com... I've lost many a moneys on that damn website (;

The other thing you can do is keep an eye on the Gene Pool threads as people document the growth of their spawns, when they're big enough they often end up in the classifieds section.

How to buy fish 101

Anywaaaaay - welcome, pictures, enjoy!

- Ness

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I'm a Gippy girl (originally from Leongatha) but now in Melbourne

Hey we could be related ..I am originally from Arawatta (I think that is right) which is a suburb more or less of Korumburra. Are you related to the Rowes or the Richies by any chance - if so we are long lost relatives


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