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Hi All

Well my shrimp tank ha snow become a haven for snails I got me some plants recently and they must have sneeked in is there any way of getting ridd of them with out damaging the shrimp the tank is heavely planted with two types of Java fern Crips Embulia subwasatung( thats where the snails came from) and pelia the tank is three foot long any sugestions would be appreciated



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You can try a product called no planeria from someone, it's got the usefull side affect of killing snails, not shrimp though. You'll never kill them all though, I crush them when I see them in my shrimp tanks, I underfeed too, they graze the biofilm and the scraps from the fish. The only thing you really can do is control them now, the no planeria will kill a heap but some will survive. Snail killers will also kill shrimp, their main component is copper ions. No planeria is made from some nut which won't affect shrimp though.

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Thanks Mighty Matt

Some how I thought you would be the one with the answers on how to with the shrimp they are realy powering along and I dont want to hinder the population rise so I will get so of that stuff from Jodie



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Mine are finally breeding, well one tank I neglect is full off them, they might be breeding, I have no idea. But I have my first berries in my planted tank :D I didn't think I had a male... Haha, copper wouldn't slow them down, they would all be wiped out *lol* she also has snail traps I think, might help with those pesky ones that survive.

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Can you get a pic of that contraption for me Matt? would like to see how it works

Thanks busman Paul I might use that one in the glass house tanks that dont have any fish just plants



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Here you go Les, this si the one I have seen someone use http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=sera+snail+trap&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-Address&rlz=1I7ADFA_en&biw=1680&bih=797&tbm=isch&tbnid=AAoPPZQLNoOsvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.fosterandsmithaquatics.com/product/prod_display.cfm%253Fpcatid%253D21339&docid=1vXcpwp4RPxF1M&w=432&h=255&ei=otFMTvOfA83SiAKKkPyKAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=109&page=1&tbnh=128&tbnw=217&start=0&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=147&ty=66

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WOW this is like inception that is one strange looking device it reminds me of somthing Japanese HA HA NO HAWA GENKIDES :lol: (that means my mother has nice teeth) it would make sense if we where in Japan but I cant think of what it realy reminds me of, nothing I have ever seen before but a great device I said to Jodie I would get some No Planeria of her next month as I have to put in an order for some more Canadian Peat s I will ask her about a trap as well thanks Mighty Matt your the best



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