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Need some help - Chipped tank


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I bought a (almost) two ft cube a year or two ago and had it stored on the veranda unfortunately I didn't really think about it and it was in a spot where people walked past it. I filled it up today because I am soon to be the owner of some shellies and wanted to get it ready. But I have found some quite substantial chips on the outside corners of the tank which I think may compromise the integrity of it.

One corner has had thin slices shaves off the piece of glass mostly where two pieces are glued together the glass in that spot is probably only 75-80% in thickness at its worst But the bit I am really worried about is the corner beside it where it has cracked (again where the two pieces support each other) and left a slice about two mm thick missing.

I am guessing this is a write off but I am hopeful that there is something I can do to fix it or reinforce it?

Thank you!

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I assume it being a 2ft cube tank, the glass thickness would be at least 8mm thick and a 2mm thickness piece missing would not be significanat damage.

Purchase two small pieces of glass of the same thickness and I would say about 10cm wide and silicon the pieces inside the tank making a new corner support piece. Ensure you purchase silicon glue that is suitable for aquariums (Selleys make one and most hardware stores stock it).

The tank is nowhere near a write-off

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Do what Bill suggested and also if you don't have anything covering the corners - get some plastic moulding and silicone it over the vertical corners to protect them and cover the chipping....

Ok now to the important stuff... what kind of shellies are you getting?

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Ok will do!

I got onto a local aquarium club thingy and was offered a number of different species but have settled for a proven pair of occies which will hopefully get the ball rolling!

I like how my question is ok but the important part are the fish!

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Actually it was a useful question for you and for others who have chipped / cracked tanks and didn't mean to ignore or devalue Bill's reply - its the way I also fix cracked tanks and they seal perfectly and hold water even if its the base that's cracked all the way through....

Seriously though I'm in 'shellie mode' at the moment as mine have just spawned again and I'm looking out to find another pair of different shellies to try - have been thinking of either the black or gold occies or maybe brevis - all depends on their availability.... which type of occies have you decided on? (there I go again with another fish question!!!) :)

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Hehe I don't mind the fish questions!

I was thinking gold ocellatus but there is a pretty hefty pricetag I did a little research and am very satisfied with the local prices as I saw them going for almost a hundred bucks each online!

Are the ones spawning the heqcui? I remember a post..

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Louu you're right about my shellies - the hecqui have their second spawn... the first are taking on their parents antics and starting to select and defend their own shells now.... fun to watch (but takes up too much time!!!)

Good you have a local to get the fish from - saves a lot in transport costs to up there.... I like the gold occies .... was looking at some gold fin occies the other day but still really like the black.... someone suggested blue occies to me as well but they don't seem to be that colourful so its either gold or black for me too.....

Hope the tank repairs go well and we'll see pics of your shellies before too long :)

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