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Hello from sunny Townsville


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Hi everyone,

My name's Owen, and I'm currently located in Townsville.

I currently have three planted tanks, the newest of which was a Tanganyikan cichlid tank up until a few weeks ago. It's now become my 4'x18"x18" planted nano-fish/shrimp tank.

I've also recently discovered wild bettas, and have two Betta channoides, although I can never be sure if I have a pair or two males. I'll be looking at getting a few more down the line anyway.

Anyway, hope to learn heaps from this forum, and to contribute where I can.



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Hello Townsvillian! I know of one other on here, and possibly more.

I'm up in not so sunny Cairns (and I believe Townsville is pretty wet today?)

I am looking at doing a trip down there in two weekends time, do a scope of the fish shops and aquariums.

Welcome to the forum, a wealth of knowledge on here, and great people.

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