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Ello from S.E Victoria


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Hi all,

Have been reading these forums for a while now so I thought id finally introduce myself.

I'm Ian from S.E Victoria (Berwick to be precise)

During the days when I was 12-16yrs I kept a number of betta's as pets.... now after 12 yrs and 3 kids later I’m wanting to get back into these awesome fish.

I have 1 pet type CT at the moment. He hasn’t got fantastic features but is very cheeky....

I purchased him from my LFS near fountain gate shops; I believe Shamma has some of his HM culls there.

I will be building some cheap barracks soon so that i can start collecting some crazy specimens...... someone will definitely be on the cards.

Well that enough from me for now..... I’ll try to get some pictures although as my boy is currently in a spherical bowl the pics i got didn’t turn out well.



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