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new planted tanks

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hi everyone, this is my first post on Aus Aqua. i wanted to share my new planted tanks and get any advice and opinions with my scape, i keep feeling like something is missing from the left tank. im trying a dry start in the right tank because ive heard HC and micro sword grow faster emmersed rather than submerged. im not sure how well this will work with an innert substrate, its ment to be done with amazonia, flourite etc.

tank specs:

both tanks share a 4ft GLO light with 2x54w t5HO 10000k

left tank:


Eheim 2213 Canister

50w Aquar World Heater

DIY co2 reactor

Floura: Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula), Java Moss (Vesicularia dubyana), Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus), Dwarf Riccia (Riccia fluitians), Ludwiga sp.

Fauna: Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis), Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda)

right tank:


Floura: HC (Hemianthus Callitrichoides), Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis brasiliensis)

enough words here are some pics:



some wood im soaking to put in the left tank


the old tank the plants came from


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In terms of what you need, I suggest a demister on the right tank so we can see it better! :D Just kidding. My mind's eye seems to want to see something tall and pyramid-like in the right back corner. Not a pyramid, just something in that general shape, drawing the eye upwards rather than all the action being at ground level. Hope that helps!

Dumb shrimp newbie question: will RCS and CRS cross-breed? I assumed they were the same genus, but they're not.

I love your lush java moss! How many hours a day is the light on, and does DIY C02 run 24/7?

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