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In need of help with my setup.


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Okay so I'll post pics tomorrow hopefully. But I have an ex-shop stand that I bought for $150 along with a fair few 90L 2ft tanks that were $25 each... Fair deal I thought.

I wanted to have seperate tropical tanks... Top two would be used for bettas for now.. It /can/ house 6 tanks but I only want to use 4 and board it off to look like a cabinet with hinged flaps for each individual tank... Seeing as the bottom level is not really viewable I was thinking of using it as my supply cabinet.

I want to use seperate filtration and heating so I can keep them at different PH levels and the like in case I get fish that need seperate conditions.

I also wanted to plant them rather well... These will be my display tanks.

What could I use as a temporary divider in the top two till I end up getting myself some betta barracks? Would I be better off putting male/female or male/male and female/female OR setting one up as a sorority and having the two males next to one another? I realise the divider is going to have to be impossible for them to bury under or go around OR jump over... And I am also aware that putting them next to one another could produce split fins from flaring too much.. Any ideas what i could do?

And I have to grind the stand down (rust), put some rustkill on it and paint it all before this weekend for the Brisbane Betta Meet!!! *tears hair out* I have all week to work on it.. Every day.. So if I get an idea on how to I think I could do it.

I'm only 17 (18 two days after the betta meet! *dance*) so doing all this myself is going to be difficult... And my dad will be too darn busy with his TV to help me out.

I think he needs to remove his boat from the garage and let me have my fish room down there... It'd be perfect. We only live in a unit. :)

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Hey Kandee....

Moving the boat out and taking over the garage is quite a reasonable suggestion! :)

Sounds like a good deal on the tanks / rack you got - separate filtration / heating sounds good for disease control and for keeping fish from different water conditions - are you going to run air or power filters? Air would work out pretty cheap with a good size sponge filter in each tank run off the one large air pump.

For a temp divider you can use anything that won't decay in water - thick plastic sheets, perspex, glass, etc.... If you use air powered filtration you can just drop a sponge filter in each section you divide off but if you're using power filters you would need to account for water flow through the divider. Maybe even think of a plastic frame with nylon flyscreen? In this thread I used glass with some suction cups to act as temp dividers.... If you can get a frosted/patterened glass it stops the fish seeing each other and flaring constantly - otherwise cut some thin plastic to slide down next to the glass divider.

Hope that helps some - there's plenty of threads on here about dividers - check out this search results page.... some ideas there might help too...

Good luck with the refurbishment (and don't forget the pics!!!)

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Thanks so much for the help there! :)

I just know he won't get rid of the boat. :)

So next house we move to (November) is going to have a DOUBLE garage. And one side will be my fish room! (Hey! I'll be paying board and my car can go on the street. :))

Seeing as they'll be display tanks... I was thinking that I want to scape them a little... Rocks and plants. So sponge filters may need to be hidden out of sight.

So that's 6 Sponge Filters... (4 for the top two tanks that will be divided with mesh-like "stuff") and 4 100watt AquaWorld heaters? (90L tanks).... That's gonna cost a pretty penny. xD

At the moment I have 3 Submersible filters, a 100watt heater being used in my 45L tank and a 25watt heater for my hospital 16L tank.

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LOL.... sounds like you have it all planned ... car in the street... wait for the boat to go out fishing.... take over the rest of the shed....

Sponge filters won't cost you that much for small tanks - I'm only running a small sponge on my 2ft tanks - cost about $4 each and the heaters were only about $15 each for 100W (got a good deal from the local fish shop because I bought a few of them at one time - Aqua One brand)... shop around and you'll get some really good prices in Brisbane for good quality gear....

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Dad's grinded most the stand down... Shall be killrust-ing it and painting it this weekend.

Not sure what I should make the surrounding cabinet out of... I was thinking white but I've seen nice things done with wood. I just don't want it to look dodgy. I will be getting wood to sit the tanks on so they have middle support as the silly shop owner only had the tanks supported on the metal with nothing in the middle O_O;

I've not done anything like this before. If I could post exact measurements of tanks and stand (Full diagram measurements I hope) would anyone be willing to help?

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