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Condensation inside submersible glass heaters?


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Is it safe? There's no water running around inside, it's just beads of water on the inside glass. The heaters have not experienced any trauma during their use. I have one running now in my full 90L tank heated to 30C, and I only just noticed it. They are Aqua One or similar heaters.

Thanks :D

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I run all Aqua One heaters but never seen condensation in them before - could have had some moisture during assembly perhaps and the heater elements boiled it off and the tank water condensed it again on the glass.... if it had a leak or crack you'd expect a lot more moisture wouldn't you....

I actually had an Aqua One heater left on after I drained a tank - all it did was melt the heater holder and it still works (let it cool off before I put it back in water and tested it and no cracks or leaks in it).

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