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Direct fry feeder


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Well, for the last month or so i have been complaining about how to directly feed my multifacinatus fry, as i havent been able to remove them in the conventional manner because of their secretive behaviour. I've been having to feed greater quantities of food to the tank so they atleast get something, before the adults devour it all.

So Mrs pilchard came up with this.

You will need:-

A suction cap or two (heater type $0.25 ea)

A length of 20mm Vynle hose ( $3.50 @ Bunnings )

And some scissors.

Cut hose to desired length and attach. Its that easy.

Make sure atleast 10mm is protruding from the water so all your hard earned live food does not escape.


The Tubeing


Finally nice full bellies


Hope this helps someone in the same situation. If you had these or other shellies in large tanks i think this would work for you too if you mooved the shells to the sided of the tanks.



Just realised this should be in the DIY mods if you want to moove it.

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