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Rocks For Deco.


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what rocks don't buffer ph?

i MIGHT be getting a new tank in feb that use to be gandfathers many years ago which includes lots of rocks in it.

words of caution would be wonderful so i don't go sticking any rocks in the tank that would buffer the ph.

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if you put vinegar on the rock and it fizzes, it will leach carbonates into the water.

Slate and quartz should be fine. I would avoid sandstone.

Rocks that buffer the water are ok if you want to keep African cichlids :)

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Most rocks are fine. Ones to avoid are limestone & marble (which is metamorphised limestone). There's some debate about sandstone - personally I don't think there any danger of it affecting water chemistry, but there is a train of thought that the "cement" which holds the larger grains together can have some carbonates which could up your KH and therefore pH. Also avoid any rocks with have obvious seams or veins running trough them - these can on rare occasions contain heavy metals such as lead or copper.

As lilli said, it depends what you're keeping. Vinegar is often cited as something to use, but if you have any stronger acid (vinegar is a pretty weak acid) like hydrochloric or phosporic acid then use that. Just remember to be careful, wear gloves and a mask. Oh, and rinse the rock thoroughly afterwards! :) Personally I don't bother, but then I've got experience in the field of geomorphology.

Hope this helps.

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