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Hi Fighters4U :whistling:

I'm a newbie on here, just joined ;)

I just across this thread of yours and have been admiring your new Bumble Bee fish ! ;)

Can you tell me more about these type fish? what are they like to keep? are they hardy ?

I saw them recently in an aquarium fish shop, and was admiring them, but don't know anything about them ?

What can you put them in with ?

Your pics of them are very cuteee ! :sad:

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I've only had them since Thursday so no idea of how hardy they are just yet. They seem to have settled into my 2ft heated community tank well though. There's 4 of them in there and my son and I play 'spot-the-gobies' coz they hide really well and they are so small. As far as I'm aware they go well with other placid type fish. eg guppy's, tetras etc. I beleive they are originally brackish type fish but many breeders have now adapted them to fresh water and they are quite happy in it. I have mine in with some female bettas and guppy fry. I fed all the adult guppy's to my tiger oscar hahaha. He was hungry lol and I'm preparing for some more pure strains of guppy's to arrive as soon as I can afford the shipping for them. Going to be working on Moscow blue and red grass stains and don't need common pet shop guppy's corrupting the lines lol. I just can't get over how small they are. I think I'm going to have to get a lot more just so I don't stain my eyes looking for them! I don't even know if they are a schooling fish but would be cool too see them shoal. Mine are only about 1cm long at the moment and apparently they will grow to be about 4.5cm long.

Thanks for your comments Jules and welcome to the forum once again!

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Hi again :)

Well I hope they all keep doing well then :)

Eeeek about your Oscar eating the adult guppies. I have never seen any of my fish do that, eat each other...yet ( hope not either) :P

I guess it's their way of life tho ...

Well I hope your new BB fishies keep doing well, and avoid that hungry Oscar ! hehe

I would like to get some now, but i really need a bigger tank! It's just one of those small starting out size ones ..

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Bumble bee gobies are a brackish water fish they are placid towords other species, can fight amongst them selves. Can be fin nippers to fancy guppies don't compete well for food make a great little species tank absolute awsome little fish.

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Yeah, I read that they are brackish fish but I asked the guy at the LFS and he said they should be fine in a freshwater set up but to add a little sea salt and they'll do better. Bettas and guppys can tolerate a little salt too so I'm not too worried. If anything it will just be good for what ales them!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah, I read that they are brackish fish but I asked the guy at the LFS and he said they should be fine in a freshwater set up but to add a little sea salt and they'll do better. Bettas and guppys can tolerate a little salt too so I'm not too worried. If anything it will just be good for what ales them!

How are your Bumblebee Gobys going, since last time you posted about them??:balloons:

I have been thinking for ages about if i should get some or not?

But today i saw some at an Aquarium shop, so have decided to give them a go. I just couldn't resist. I bought 3 :balloons:

Will see how they do :)

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