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Looking for ideas for a 5 gallon

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I'm looking for ideas for plants for my 5 gallon female tank I had a few fake plants in it but when I did a full change I found that they were leaving glue along the bottom and rust staining the bottom of the tank.

So now I'm thinking of getting real plants, I currently have glass balls as the ground cover as it is a easy up keep, but if there is something else out there that would be just as easy to keep clean that would be better for plants I'm all ears.

Any ideas of what I could use?

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Well if your thinking of getting real plants the glass balls are not really an effective substrate. The most ideal substrate would be some of the good ol' Pea Gravel. Is the tank going to be heated or unheated because this also will determine what plants you can grow best. The general ones are Java Fern, Elodea these ones will grow well in heated or unheated and in low light levels so they may be worth looking at as well.

Thomas :D

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Why don't you do a heavily planted tank setup? You won't have to clean the gravel at all. The fish droppings will feed the plants. You'll need a good light with a tube that has the correct colour temperature (around 6500K is good).

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Check the manufacturer's website for some more information about the bulb that comes with the tank. Or send them an email asking about the specifications. You can also Google the tank model and see if there's any chat on the internet about that particular tank. Generally lights that are included with a tank are designed more to enhance the look of the aquarium rather than growing plants. Is the bulb on the tank replaceable? You might be able to find a bulb with the correct colour spectrum that will fit into your tank.

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