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posting pics


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i tried posting some pics by copying the img code from photobucket and it worked with the one on 'betta critique' but on 'the gene pool' when i tried to do it it said (FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUND

Sorry, dynamic pages in the %7Boption%7D tags are not allowed)

Please help?

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the way I do images is copy the link to the picture... in photobucket it's the 2nd one under the picture in your album. just click it to copy,

then come to ausaqua and start your thread... there's a little area above where you type with all the format stuff, if you hover over them you'll find one that says "insert image" click that and it will bring up a box. paste the link - Ctrl(hold) V (release) or right click-paste in the space. it will already have the "http:/" bit there so make sure you delete that before pasting the link. then just hit ok and it puts the tags in for you :)

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