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Plakat bettas not moving.


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Hi my name is Brandon and Im running a 90L plakat betta community tank with 6 of them 2 being males. they get along fine, however they have seem to have become lethargic at the bottom of the tank and occasionally surface for air. There was an outbreak of nitrite poisoning and ich on platies a week ago but the Bettas show no signs of either. I have added Tri-sulfa tablets to the tank and turned up the temperature to 28c to kill the remaining diseases. water quality remains at pH: 7.2, Temp: 28c, Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: 20 ppm tested on the 10/5/14.

I feed them Betta micro wafers once a day, every second day now due to the nitrite and nitrate fluctuations. Could it just be old age (they are 1-1.5 years old) ? or am i doing something wrong ?



Edited by B3ET
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If all six are showing similar signs I'd doubt it was old age catching up with everyone at the same time.

Betta are an extremely hardy fish so although they may not have shown any immediate symptoms of nitrite poisoning as quickly as the other inhabitants, it can catch up with them. Did the poisoning result in any other deaths in the tank? Any other changes recently?

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Yes, I lost a platy to nitrite poisoning. I think I see slight symptoms of cloudy eye on one, however They are moving a little more now but still not as active. Would the tri-sulfa I'm using help with what ever ails my fish ?

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