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A return to bettas


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Hi All

I played around with breeding bettas a few years ago but then got out of the hobby for a bit. I have since gotten the betta bug and just starting to get back in again. Luckily my partner seems to also get bitten by the bug too and just loves the beauty of bettas. He is fond of HM but personally I love my PKs and HMs. Haven't got any stock at the moment (Kingaroy just doesnt have a huge selection lol) so currently in the process of developing a betta drip system with sump and uv so that I don't have to change 50+ little tanks every 2 days (think thats what made me give it all up last time round). Somehow I think Im going to cave before that is set up and buy some betta pairs asap!

Cant wait to start breeding again and look forward to seeing what new stuff I can learn this time round.



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