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Bumblebee Goby.. Evil?


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Right,first off sorry if this is on the wrong board I am in a hurry to change tanks around. I had my crowntail betta in with 3 Guppies (Placid) And a single Bumblebee Goby (i'll just call him the BG) They were fine in the 40 litre until one-day the BG started to attack Echo (my betta).

I am not sure why, the pet store said he would be fine with my CT. D:

How can a 3 CM fish be so aggressive all of a sudden?

GB lives on his own at the moment now but he will have more of his kind soon.

Is he jealous of they guppies?

~Hazell (very confused)

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My older brother has Bumblebee Gobys and they used to attack a few of his smaller fish. They will even stand off against a fired up Empire Gudgeon.

From what I've seen of them in his tank, they can certainly be territorial/temperamental.

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