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Introduction Brisbane


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Hello everyone we are new. We are in inner city Brisbane and have 8-10 tanks of good size running at any one time. We keep a couple of display tanks and some for breeding and plant life. We keep lots of american cichlids including discus, quite a few other species, shrimp including a large colony of cherry shrimp and one developing with Crystal Red Shrimp. Have a large colony of true endlers and have breeding and growing tanks with bristlenose and white convicts. We are dedicated hobbyists and look forward to lots of topics and discussions about aquarium keeping. Coral and Chris

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Coral and Chris,

Welcome to the forum, so funny to have a member refer to themselves in plural - but we're excited to have you both!

There's a thriving QLD community on here, so you'll be in good hands & I'm sure you can share some local knowledge of what's best at which Local Fish Store.

Grab your camera and a photobucket account - share the love!

- Ness

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