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Jebo 835 filter not working


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Help!! I was given a 3' tank with all the bits and bobs recently and the Jebo 835 filter has decided it doesn't want to play. There's a 'knocking' type sound happening and it's not pumping, ok so you'd think it's obviously the impeller or shaft wouldn't you.... I've taken it apart and cleaned it, there's no damage and I've NO idea what else it could be.

Any suggestions?? I simply can't afford to replace it at the moment.



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have you primed the filter? ie siphoned it full of water before starting it? Also check the impeller shaft - last time i cleaned my canister filter, the little black knob on the end of the impeller shaft fell off and as a result the shaft didn't seat itself properly in the housing and 'rattled' when I turned on the filter giving a bad 'knocking' sound.

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Thanks Wayne, yep all primed and the knob's right where it should be :book:

It was working just fine then started making this awful noise so I turned it off, dismantled and cleaned it, tried again with the same noise. Repeated procedure in case I missed something but still no luck. Ruddy thing.

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