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Betta Compatability


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Hey Guys,

I have a freshwater community tank it had 3 Congo Tetra, 2 catfish , 10 Neons and 1 female Betta, they had all been in the tank for about 2 weeks together and got along fine then on Friday i came home and my Female had a quite large bite out of her tail and were acting aggressive towards her so i put here in one of those small plastic tanks that sit inside your big tank for a while to see how she went, her tail healed in no time, I went to my LFS the said that this was because there were only 3 Congo's when in bigger group they will be fine so as suggested by the LFS i got 3 more Congo's and 3 Serpae Tetras put them in on sunday i released my female back into the tank she was fine that night but by the time i got home on Monday her poor tail had been biten to death(they seam to know to do it when im not around) and she was hiding along with all my Neons from all the other fish so once again i have removed her (and my neons refuse to come out now like they used too even at feeding time), I picked the congo and serpae as when at my LFS they had female Betta swimming with both these kinds and they seemed fine,

Could anyone shed some light to me as to why they arnt getting along maybe i need additional female fighters? Maybe its just my female?

I have googled this but it says on most sites that they should get along and cant find to much has anyone else experiened this or has a link to some information i can read? or even another Topic relating , i searched in the forums but im still trying to figure my way around the site so probably missed it.

Kindest Regards, ;)

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Tetras are great in a nice shoal / school.... I had congo tetras with no aggression towards any other fish but I had about 12 of them and they all just stuck together... but then who knows what goes through the mind of a fish! If they don't get on the only thing to do is separate them to avoid a harsher outcome....

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Hmmmm it seems this may be my only soloution to seperate them..... just watching them in the tank the Congos and Serpaes are all grouped together and circling the tank like crazy even more so since i added to the school and everything else is staying as far away as possible.

Kindest regards,

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