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Help With MY Community Tank/s?


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Ok soooo I am going to buy a few new fish for myself this weekend.

I was thinking in one tank Leopard Danio, Zebra Danio (Maybe longfin of either?), Harlequin Rasbora, Flame Dwarf Gourami, Normal Dwarf Gourami (No idea?), Cobalt Dwarf Gourami and a few females.. Some Guppies and Bristlenose. (This will be in a 90L tank so I'm not sure of how many of each) And I am aware BN grow.. I am hoping to have a 3ft/4ft tank by then or I have a friend with a large tank that would take them.

The next tank is my Dwarf Cichlid tank... I have been told by a few that mixing non-aggressive South American and African dwarf cichlids can be done with enough plants and caves. Bolivian Butterfly, Blue Ram, Kribensis and Apistogramma Agassizi... Not sure what to put with these... Glass Catfish? Clown Loach? I'm a bit iffy on getting Bristlenose for this tank as well as Apistos are bottom dwellers. So I think some top dwellers could go well with them?

Could I get a trio of angels for the apistos instead?

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