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Hi from South Coast NSW


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HI all from the south coast!

I have been out of the hobby for a few years, took my tanks down when I was travelling away for university in 2015 (mature student reskilling). I've been working in my new role as a nurse for a few years now and I'm desperate to get back into being kept by fish hahah.

I have had a 7ftx3.5x3 project tank taking up space in my loungeroom for forever, and I've finally decided I'm not going to set it up. So I'm selling that and buying a smaller 6fter to set up.

I'm planting it out with anubias, some carpet and a few randoms I'm throwing in just to see how they fare, and I'm stocking it with some clown loaches, turquoise rainbows, bristlenoses and cory cats, maybe a few guppies for the kids which will no doubt become feeders in time hahah (don't worry, I'll be sure to move the little fishies to other tanks before the clowns become big enough to be threat).

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Edited by Trin
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