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Hi, from the Gold Coast


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Hi all,

I'm Bruce from the Gold Coast. I have just got back into fish after a break of a few years. I used to breed any fish that used to interest me, from Giant Bettas to Discus, to Apistos and what used to be my favourite, killies. I was one of the original members of NAKA (National Australian Killifish Association). Very sad to see that it has long gone, and killies seem much harder to come by these days. Currently I have some breeding angels(Black Marbles) Multis (just love these guys)Ep. Dagetti, and have some albino bn on the way. I organised my live foods before getting my fish, and I have flourishing colonies of whiteworms, grindal worms,infusoria, vinegar eels, green water, and my fav of course - mossie wrigglers. I am amazed at how much I have forgotten, but slowly as I get organised it starts to make sense again. So here I am, once again totally addicted.


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