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New tanks


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Hi all,

I was up late and put a random bid on a set of tanks in a pine stand. Next day I find I am the new owner of 8 x 90 litre tanks and I had no idea from the picture they were that big. BARGAIN! (and the lovely chap threw in 8 big water barrells for ageing water in)

So I have them stored under the house and have decided that when I can find the room for them I am going to go for it and let a few of the guys have their wicked way with some of the harem ;)

Anyway, before I get carried away, I want to divide the tanks into three, set up an external pump with a UV steriliser. If I do this it needs to be easy to maintain and as practical/healthy as possible. I was talking to the LFS guy about ways of setting up the pump etc and he told me he would be happy to take any bubs off me that I did not want. That is great as my biggest fear would be having 60 odd babies and nowhere to put them. :betta:

Any advice on what works and what not to do would be great (spend much time trawling this site late at night...so much info)


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