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New fish on the way :D


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Thanks All Cant wait for

them to arrive Checked the post office twice today

So tomorrow after work they should be here my post office lady

is also a fish keeper she breeds sea horses so she will look after my parcel when it arrives :)

Krista : I loved the mango girls fins they look so nice i plain to breed her with my

Orange vt dragon

Joan : Havnt got any Pk females yet but you never know whats on the way :D

yan : No probs Pics will be coming for sure im always buging others for pics :photo:

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They came !!!

Will get pics tomorrow mabie sneak a pic of the rockcandy boy later :photo:

letting them settle in for now.

Beware : yea i plan on breeding them

very soon right now im just waiting on a can of brine shrimp eggs to arrive

have my cultures ready ( mw + ve ) thinking i might pick up a grindal

culture too though so not far now also might have some bs eggs for sale got a big can 475g might

divide it up and see if any one else wants To buy some in smaller Amounts.

Got home today to find 3 happy fish all wanting out of thier bags

Thier All very nice active healthy looking fish

The rock candy boy is such a nice Metalic aqua blue in RL has a real shine to him

They girls are both Great too Very happy

Thanks someone :)

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Ok paul you win *lol* Got some pics of my hmpk

and the Girls.

i let my 4 girls go into a community tank yesterday sat thier watching them most of the day to see if they would fight

they seemed to get along great

one of the girls ( platnium dt ) was showing a little aggression towards one of the other girls but left

the too new girls alone leaft them for 2 hours come back and it looks like some one nipped mangos tail a little :)

hope it heals up ok Here the pics


By goody_ at 2010-04-24


By goody_ at 2010-04-24


Hope you guys like em Tell me what ya Think :poke:

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Yea i reckon i will try and breed him but i dont have a female

hmpk and dont really want to breed him with any of the female i have

Any suggestions as to what colour female to pair him with betta genetics

still confuse me some what :)

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That's a very interesting colour. It will be difficult to replicate it unless you have a female the same. I'd suggest a metallic blue HMPK female. The red is dominant and should show up in the next generation (unless the female has the red loss gene). Or is it orange? In which case - I am at a bit of a loss as I have never looked into the genetics of orange.

The bottom fish in this picture must be a long-fin VT female. I would have put money on it being male!

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Yea i was thinking that about her to lilli her tail is huge

and she is rather large as well but those are the egg dots i can see right ? witch wld make her female i hope ( shes/he in with the other girls ) :alright:

someone lea has a video of her on her youtube channel ( mango vt pair )

As for the hmpk male its hard to say what his colour that photo dose make his tail look more orange than it really is

and hes a little more or a greenie blue that photo dosnt show his shine very well

Thanks for the tip lilli all advice is welcomed might just have to try a metallic blue HMPK female and see what we get :)

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He's really hard to pick in regards to genetics... it's a very unusual colour pattern and also colour.

His "red layer" looks like its a non-red or orange which is recessive to red. Yellow is also recessive to red but don't know what happens when you get yellow x orange - as both are recessive and both are non-red... is one dominant over the other?

He's got colour distributed like a butterfly.

He's looks like he's a metallic royal blue, or just royal blue???

Could it be cambodian underneath it all?

To get even half a shot at getting similarly coloured fry, I would suggest that you go with a female that has predominantly recessive genes... ie HMPK, orange or yellow (with a light body or cambodian). A marble would probably be a good start, and I wouldn't worry so much about the blue layer as he'll probably pass it on in the mix.

I also agree with Lilli, the mango girl looks like a pre-pubescent boy apart from the really obvious egg spot (sticking out like the dog's proverbials...but that would make it a boy :))!

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Hmm interesting man genetics are confusing :alright:

hes deff metallic that photo just dosnt show his true colour and id also say hes more of greenie/blue than blue will

try and get some more pics of him tomorrow after work ill try a few differnt lights to try and capture his real colour.

you might be right about the cambodian and deff the butterfly

he sorta dose have the pale face of a cambodian yea ?

So your suggestion is a orange/yellow marble hmpk female ? or a orange/yellow BF marble hmpk F ?

Cheers for the help :)

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Nice... so to keep the metallic going, you probably want a metallic female otherwise you won't get all metallics in the spawn. If you have some time and patience, it might be worth your while trying to figure out or research genetics...look at BLUE BETTA GENETICS in genetics forum, plus the stuff on JOEPS WEBSITE regarding colour genetics. It might help you get started understanding it, but you're right, it does get complex, and I'm not sure anyone knows it all.

I'd personally try a yellow gold or orange gold HMPK female for him, just personal choice really... maybe coz I want something similar for my copper SuperDelta boy when I'm back in Sydney full time. I spotted a couple I was thinking about on aquabid earlier:


Or even a butterfly yellow gold might do the trick. I'd even consider contacting the breeder for a female sibling of this guy if available:


Just to be clear (and to keep the PC police happy)... I'm not promoting any one's fish in particular, just noting some fish available on aquabid currently :)

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I think Stefan (Splendidbetta) may possibly have/had fish similar to that. Also I think Jack (waterchange@mybettas) may have had some that colour a while back, may be worth dropping them a line if you're after a similar female.

Egg spot does not = female necessarily. Have a look at the Guide to Sexing Bettas

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Thanks for that paul & lilli

I have had a look at most of the genetics stuff on here but

yea only just starting to get my head around it

thanks for the link to joeps website had a look while back but might be of more use now im starting to get an idear :D

One problem is i cant use the chart becuase i dont know what to call his colour

is he turquoise or teal or some thing else for that matter ??

Thanks lilli i really should of read that sooner i thought it was more clear cut than that :)

Now u got me wondering too lol gess i better get her in the spawn tub and find out :P

As for the female Not really sure yet might try and find one similar ill deff get in touch with them

see what they have deff might be of some use cheers

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