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a quick hi!


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hi everyone,

im from central west nsw, Australia, and have one blue (im not sure if hes blue or turquoise though lol) fringe tail male, a cellophane veiltail male, two females (im not breeding them yet, hoping for more info first) and 5 goldfish.

im hoping to show one day (i didnt even know people showed fish until like a week ago lol) if i end up with a betta of high enough quality.

as far as general info, i also have 2 girls and a bub on the way, and a dearly loved kelpie.

im looking forward to meeting others with similar intrests, and finding some advice as i go! <_<

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Hi, and welcome!

There's alot of info available on this forum in regards to breeding and lotsa helpul people and advice. Getting your hands on quality show betta in central west NSW might be an issue, but you can always have them couriered to you from other places. I've been posted out to Bathurst for the last couple months and spotted only one pet shop... of the 4 fighters they had on display none of them were anything you'd be able to put to show, but if you wanted an affordable fish to do a trial run of breeding then they'd be worth a go.

Good luck with spawning ... and when you get one up and running, every1 here loves to hear about it, and love a few pics to go with it!

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