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8 x shrimp $251 & 1 x Snail $90


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Look at these divine little things, 8 of them could be yours for a mere $251. http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/clo...verts1269567487

AND OMG this has got to be one of the single most ugly (amended, plz note "ugly" should read "unattractive") things I've ever seen in my life bar one other that springs immediately to mind. $90 for a whole lotta ugliness (substitute "ugliness" for the far more diplomatic choice of "unattractivness" plz): http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/clo...nails1269482960

Same seller for both items & they're totally above board ... who said there's no money in fish/shrimps/snails, maybe I'll revise my aversion to hard work & git breedin'!

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if you think $251 is too much for a shrimp .... ask around how much the top grade crystal red or crystal black shrimps sell for here in Australia.... won't get much change out of $800 for each shrimp.... (unless prices have gone down considerably recently).

And also as Lisa said about being critical of things on Aquabid - say something bad about a shrimp and you might just end up wanting a betta bred by the same person - can come back to bite you... Also someone has to deal with sellers all the time to get the imported fish we want and if we are too critical then it makes it difficult for her as well....

Must say though ... the shrimp looks interesting.... but have enough snails in my tanks right now!

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And also as Lisa said about being critical of things on Aquabid - say something bad about a shrimp and you might just end up wanting a betta bred by the same person - can come back to bite you... Also someone has to deal with sellers all the time to get the imported fish we want and if we are too critical then it makes it difficult for her as well....

Umm, I've read & re-read the thread & can't see anything critical whatsoever per se, quite the opposite when commenting on the shrimp which truly are divine as stated! I think Thai's comprehend the word "divine" as being seen as utterly exquisite, as would Pete the USA seller.

This top-shelf, wonderful seller is very active in the AB forums and revels in people's comments on his stock and even invites people to use his photos as much & often as they like. One snail comment from his clan was, "Pete, those snails look "disturbing" .... Did you cut a "ambiguous" part off of "Lady Gaga", and thence grow it in a Petri Dish for retail sale in the aquarium trade?" Now that had me laughing for a good 5 minutes!

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"ambiguous" part off of "Lady Gaga",
one of the single most ugly things I've ever seen in my life bar one
.... makes me wonder if you two were thinking along the same lines...LOL

It sprung to my mind that the snails are reminiscent of a couple of South Park characters... "the Joozians"! Found a link here. Disturbing if the snails have jaggons! :D

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Umm, I've read & re-read the thread & can't see anything critical whatsoever per se

OMG this has got to be one of the single most ugly things I've ever seen in my life bar one other that springs immediately to mind
isn't exactly complimentary! But it's about the snails, not the shrimp.
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Dear Bettabetta

Thank you for quoting your text to me again, however I am highly literate and am well aware of what you wrote initially.

My comments were nothing more than a general warning to all and not directed at you personally, however - whilst I don't think sellers would be too upset about comments about snails, a comment on another post about a seller's "boring" plakats could be interpreted by other sellers as negative. Just a simple comment read by others (not necessarily the person selling the fish but possibly other sellers) could cause issues for others such as the forum owner and those who deal with international import of our bettas.

Seeing we are all mature fish fanatics and do not make negative comments regarding other organisations such as "fleabay", we all understand the point I made above. The whole point is - our comments (collectively all members) comments can have repercussions for other users of the forum, the forum owner and the continuance of these forums which I for one want to keep for as long as Lisa will entertain our participation.

Thank you again for reminding me of what you wrote - I still think the shrimp looks good.

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Thanks Kandee but third party comments are not required... the 'issue' has been addressed in the edited post at the top... even though the poor snail still has an 'unattractive' tag now! LOL...

Re the shrimp... hard to tell with the lighting if it is iridescence or just white markings - quite nice whatever it is really... apparently they will live in a lot warmer water than the CRS and Cherry Red Shrimps which would make them interesting in a tropical / heated tank with the right tank mates.... Would look good on a carpet of moss or riccia too....

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LOL... well fish do like shrimp... just have fish with tiny mouths but even then they might eat shrimp babies....

Not sure if shrimp are allowable imports into Australia - I'm guessing if they were then CRS and CBS wouldn't be the high prices they are at the moment but would have to check the ICON database or the various state's allowable imports lists...

I would always keep shrimp separate to fish unless I had neon tetras or something small like that in with them (especially if I had $200 shrimp!!!)

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Ahh... if they're illegal to import then that explains the high prices for top grade shrimp in Australia - can't get bulk numbers imported to lower prices....

There's a few nice snails overseas that can't be imported either - just have to admire the pics and be content with that!

Didn't think about fish nipping off legs either - would be tasty snacks - shrimp should be fine with bristlenose or corys though. Maybe that's the answer to fish / shrimp in the same tank.... Might think about moving my julii corys into the shrimp tank along with a few baby bn's and see how they go....

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Well, I'll soon be ready for some of those Starry Nights (in my dreams) - it seems the temperaments of my boys are beyond amazing ... first I had the boy who loved to snuggle up to the cory's & allow them to sleep in his flowing tail & who ate it off in protest when I removed them. Now I've got my new Thai boy scooting around in 20L with corys & 5 accidental resident shrimp & he sits right next to them whilst completely ignoring them. He goes nutso for BBS though.

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