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Dry Banana Leaves?


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Hi, Today I found a banana tree in my neighbor's yard, I think I saw some post that said dry banana leaves can replace almond leaves, it that true? I am not living in town so it is hard for me to get almond leaves.

I picked some of the dry banana leaves off the tree today(dryed on the tree), but I think I will check with you guys first before I put them in tank.

any difference between them?

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yes, there is a difference as they are not the same plant at all, and IAL is generally regarded as having better all-round properties, but those who use banana leaf speak highly of it.

You can order IAL from Block2 on this forum and he will post them to you, wherever you live. He has a thread in the classifieds.

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I usually put on a black ninja suit and a pair of wings and go swoop on a neighbour's banana trees at night to get my banana leaves but ordering IAL is much easier :fish:

AU$8.50, 30 leaves ordered today. cheaper than ninja suit. smiling betta face, money can't buy.

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