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Hey everyone.

My name's Jade, am 19 and from Australia. I have fell in 'love' with betta's. All in all I have 24 bettas at this point.


10 - VTs

3 - CTs

1 - dragon

1 - HM


1 - VT

7 - CT's

1 - long finned

Yer, I know, a lot but I love them. I am planning to breed them in the near future (however I have to let my 'rents let me!).

If you would like to see pics of any of my bettas please let me now and ill post some for you. I have one little girl that I'm very happy with as if her body colours up a bit she could be a MG. And only $AU 10.

I all so have guppies, three tpyes of mollies, neon tetras, b'catfish and goldfish! Plus, dogs, cats, sheep, horses, cattle and birds.

thanks for reading.


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OK out with the pics! Welcome Jade... what State are you from?

Get some pics and post them up on the Fishy Showroom ... sounds like you have some really nice bettas there...

You have to 'let' your 'rents let you breed betta's? LOL... just put a pair together and blame it on the fish!

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