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Hi to all

Twain / Perth, WA

Newbie in ALL respects - ie not only to AusAqua/ but to forums in general.

In certain respects a newbie to Aquarium keeping as well ( 5 yrs back had a gorgeous veiltail in a shallow 6lt rectangular vase..I know - tsk tsk - have learnt the error of my ways. He lived 3+ yrs - but im on a mission to right my wrongs by attempting to keep/maintain a new betta (maybe a plakat this time round) in more ideal aquarium environment . If this works out who knows may get onto bigger and better things!

Currently have a hand me down AA470 ( US 10 gallon/40L ?) tank from the gf (fustrating finding parts..but thats another story)

After 4wks of intensive research (google/LFS's/freinds & fam) have recently got it up n going.

Briefly- consist of - stock filter/air pump/lighting , Rena 50w heater,TMS substrate, Juwel 3d background, handfull of Glacier White riverstones 70-100mm, Lightly planted with Java Fern, Java Moss, Anubias Nana, few floating water sprites. Currently about 2wks in cycling with a few (golden) white clouds. Am a couple of water changes in, no issues yet :)

why am i here? Access to Info - at a glance this place seems to be a great info database for a newbie like myself. And who knows, sooner or later i may even be able to help someone else :)

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