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I have a stupid question and im sure i know the answer already but i just want to check.

I have a little male that I have separated for the grooming comp, hes growing nicely.

My Question is when he sees himself in a mirror he works himself up into a fantastic little lather, however when I remove the card between his tank and his neighbor he couldn't care less, just wanders off tot he other side of the tank and does his own thing.

I am thinking I should I try changing his neighbor in an effort to provoke more of a reaction from him to a live fish, or should I just keep persevering with the current neighbor? The neighbor is keen and flares at first then realises that Genki couldn't care less so the neighbor becomes all ho hum and goes off to do something else as well.


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I think swapping neighbours would be a good idea. Some bettas will only flare when they see a fish similarly coloured to themselves. I speculate that this could be caused by staying in the growout tank with their siblings a little too long. Certainly wouldn't hurt to swap neighbours.

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Are they siblings? If so, that might be why he doesn't flare. If not, is the other male much larger? The little one might be completely intimidated and therefore take a very passive stance towards the other male.

Mind you, flaring at himself is just as good exercise as flaring at another fish...only problem is, he may get bored of showing off to himself all the time, and flare less ferrociously!

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hi hi,

ok I have swapped neighbours,They were not siblings but Edward was bigger than Genki (grooming boy). Edward who was living next door tot him was bigger.

However I have moved Bill my blue bi-colour in next to Genki and now they are happily flaring at each other, Bill is a lot bigger than Genki.

I am just happy to be getting some more of a reaction out of the little fellow.

Thanks guys for the input :)

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Hi, I had the same problem with you, I bought a HM and a CT a month ago and put them next to each other, the CT is very active, but the HM just does nothing when he look at the CT, so I was wonder there is some problem with him. Last week, I give the HM to my girlfriend because after all he is still a nice looking one. when he saw the red VT my girlfriend had, he just flares.

I guess some of them just don't react to certain colors. because the HM and the CT I got are both metallic blue, so even I put a mirror in front of himself, he doesn't react.

I am no expert, just guessing. :)

also, try to use a pen with black end or anything look like a stick, it works too.

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yeah my two blue ones don't react but if they see one of the other red fish they go insane with flaring, my blue girl went so agro when she saw a red fighter i put a card between them but she wouldn't calm down till she was moved a day later to another part of the house because she knew he was behind the card. put her next to my blue male... no problem at all

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