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Fishy Photos


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All had a little photoshopping done. Mostly just sharpening, colour fixing and getting rid of marks on the glass. xD





The only photo I've ever managed to take of this girl, and it's pretty bad.


Not the best photo, but I think it's my favourite as it has the two fish who are ALWAYS blurred in photos in it, relatively clearly.

Still more to come!

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A second picture of Little Lavender, 'cause she is such a cutie. :Drunk_Buddies2: I didn't edit her at all, just desaturated and blurred the background.


Bad picture of my peppered Cory pair, I can never get photos of these guys.

That's all for tonight. Going to harass them again with the camera tomorrow lol

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Thanks. :) The boy in the 2nd pic is a pain to take photos of. His personality reminds me of a dog, "Hey whatcha got? Can I see? Can I have it?".. Most photos end up just being his blurred little self fussing around in front of the camera.

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Thanks. :) The boy in the 2nd pic is a pain to take photos of. His personality reminds me of a dog, "Hey whatcha got? Can I see? Can I have it?".. Most photos end up just being his blurred little self fussing around in front of the camera.

haha that rivals the fast fish

but I do love the second pic it looks like the fishy equivelant of a beauty or glamour shot and has a lot of personality in it.

Very good job love them all!

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Thanks. :wub: She's certainly got a lot of personality to go with her looks.

I just realized how much colour she's gained since the first photo of her! She loses and gains black in her pattern every couple of weeks, it's pretty cool. I wish I had a photo of her from when a quarter of her side was solid black. :(

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