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Hi from Wollongong nsw!


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Hey guys

my names Krista and i currently have one male betta as my female and other male have recently passed on after having them since i was 19! i am currently 24!

My bettas name is Fred and is currently in a tank all on his lonesome but not for long as i have a new tank in which should be arrriving any day now!!!!

Im hoping to expand my betta collection and even start breeding!!!!

Any tips and hints on anything would be most appreciated!!!

Looking forward to meeting all you enthusiasts and breeders!


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hi krista

im nikki. im new to all of this.... i have 15 bettas at the moment - all half moons, and at this point mainly female

but im keeping an eye out for some good males.

what type of betta is fred?

maybe we can sus out this whole breeding this together.....

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Hi Nikki

Fredv is a Halfmoon betta - gorgeous colour was very fortunate to actually rescue him from someone who was going to get rid of him!

Wow you certainly have alot of bettas! Im looking forward to expanding my collection with more halfmoons although some crowntails have caught my eye!

I agree we should figure this breeding thing togeather maybe that way we might be more successful!

What sort of setup do u currently have at the moment for your bettas?

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i know crowntails are nice..... but i still like halfmoons better - maybe its just because they cost so damn much!!!

well at the moment my set up is a bit of an issue.... as when i got them all a week ago i had 6 juveniles in together.

but of course they are now starting to get agressive and some are making nests, so ive had to slip them up.

so at the moment i have my main tank just over 2 ft long - split into six sections across the front and one section in the back.

so in this tank at the moment i have 4 juveniles in the back section in a plastic splitter container so they cant fight. so far i think these 4 are female. and the grown female are in the front sections separately - i have tried a couple together and looks like they are going to do some serious damage. i have two juvenile -male i think in huge wine glasses in my bathroom on the vanity. -dont judge me, cos im hoping to win an aqua one 75 lt tank in the next couple of days.....

oh and my 3 males in a 3 split tank. but only one is a halfmoon, the others are crowtails - pretty pointless because i have all halfmoons.

so i think im going to give them to my mum....

and then there is my breeding tank a two foot that has been divided down the centre. until about 10 minutes ago i has still hoping for some luck, but i dont think the first time is gunnawork... :Drunk_Buddies2: so after im done here im going to transfer my two male juveniles each into half of the breeding tank

i feel like it never ends and its only been a week!!!

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