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Hi from adelaide!


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Hi there!

im only new at this.

i have acquired about 15 betas from a breeder who is moving. i have one beautiful male of his that has won some competitions.

but my my concern is that the rest are all female....

i have a few that are nicer colours and have a but longer tails - oh yeah i should mention here they are half moons - but they all except for the show male (i have named him romeo) seem to have an egg spot.

so just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to find out for sure what sex they are?

i also have 5 juveniles that are in the same tank - but i have noticed this morning that one of them has started making a nest. would i be right in thinking i should start moving them into separate tanks now ???

and i am also trying to breed for the first time..... hopeing its going to work.

*fingers crosses*

any information about anything would be great!!!

i really want to do this.

just need a bit of help to begin with

cheers - nikki

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well actually my mum and my sister did, but mum gave me hers as dad wouldnt let her put them where she wanted!

i really want to get as far into this as i can!!!

im not working at the moment - well not for two years actually. its already giving me something to do and enjoy...

i think ive been bitten big time by the beta bug

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