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Hello all

I am a highly dedicated fish breeder (all i do is aquarium fish), always eager to learn more.

We have 17 breeding/raising tanks ranging from 1-4 foot.

and 10 grow tanks ranging from 3-6 foot and soon (hopefully) to be setting up a tanganyikan tank with multies (or another shellie) and Julidochromis sp .kissi.

Fish currently being bred are


- Common

- Albino

- Peppermint


- Convicts

- Angels

Angels colour varieties/ phenotypes

- Gold marble/ pearlscale

- Gold/pearlscale

- Platinum

- Silver/pearlscale

- Blacks

- Zebra lace/ pearlscale

Livebearers - Assorted fancy guppies

- Endlers livebearer

Labyrinth fish

- Siamese fighters


- A.scheeli


- Golden applesnails

- Ramshorn snails

- Cherry red shrimp

Hope to be breeding these species soon, I have specimens which I am growing or trying to spawn

Catfish -

- Orange spot bristlenose

- Longfin Bristlenose

- Corydoras shwartzi

- Corydoras sterbai

- Bronze corys


- Apistogramma agassizi

- Red tiger oscar

Labyrinth fish

- Dwarf gourami


- Gold panchax

We also keep the following species as display or pet fish


- Featherfin catfish

- Leopard sailfin pleco

- Goldspot pleco


- Badis badis


I am sure i have forgotten something.

We also have a few aquatic plants in our tanks cant recall what they all are, but they are there.

Keeps me busy thats for sure

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