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G'day from Sydney (Another Kiwi)


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Hi Everybody,

I'm new to these parts having moved back to Sydney a couple of years back and finally going back to keeping fish.

Presently I've got a couple of tanks, a Fluval Edge at work and a 24" x 12" x 15" here at home. I'm keeping Crystal Red Shrimp and Rasbora Galaxy presently and am hoping to breed both. The Rasbora's are all small but with the arrival of 2 males shortly I'll have a total 4 males and 7 females, hopefully the basis for building a small base for breeding.

I'm also looking for Scarlet Badis, if you've got any for sale please let me know ;-)

I'll throw some pictures up shortly. The 2 males and 4 females I received today are still settling down in their new tank. They'll looking pretty good, small but they should colour up shortly.

I used to keep Tropical Marines back in the UK but don't have that amount of time or the money these days. Being married with children has a major impact on the wallet, not including the global financial crisis!

- KiwiBigD

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