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My Guppies...


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Got these guys from Jodie - from memory they where 'Blue Metalic" but that's about all I remember...

Anyone got any idea's on any other classification for them?

They are quite good little breaders hehe certainly getting rather full in their! Thinking a second tank might need to be on the cards in a month or so!

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Ditto with my endler's guppies. The female "fry" almost seem to be born carrying! I have probably 150 of them at the mo. They are incredibly hardy, I hardly ever lose any.

Mabye you should email a pic of your little mates to J.L. for her to identify them?. - Brad.

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Yeah they came from J.L. :) might have to ask her if she can remember what they where LOL

I've done some research and am leaning towards mosaic's over grass - not that I really care what they are it's more so for when / if I go to pass some on to others. I might just have to take the laptop into the fish room and sit and compare the photos to the fish themselves. Have two baby boys that would be the size of dad when I got him so might move them into their own tank with lady friends LOL

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they are gorgeous guppy's Peta! I've been thinking of getting myself some guppy's again to put into my 3.4ft tank, it's so barren at the moment with just the bn's in there. People look at it and go 'oh it's empty, why is it even full still?'

Then I have to explain that there's actually bristlenose in there breeding lol.

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:) true ... I'm just lucky I have one MASSIVE tank, one 80L tank and 5 2ft tanks sitting empty still .. so plenty of tanks for the guppies to take over :) Might even look at getting another variety of Guppies from J.L :)

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