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When does fry show their tail shape?


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I'm just wondering when does the fry start to show their tail shape? My fry are almost 6 weeks old and they both two halfmoon parents, but I can't see a halfmoon in any of them, a few of them is close but not quite there. Do they grow into halfmoons (180 spread) muscle developments etc or are they just simply born as halfmoons?

Does anyone have any experience in this field? I'm a bit new to breeding and genetics and would love to learn more.


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Tail type is not born but the genetic factors are gained from the parents to help you create HM finnage lots of good water good quality food and training will give you HM check my post's in This thread for how to train your boys (it also works for females )

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i found some did grow to 180 in the growout tank, usually only a couple bigger confident males who spent heaps of time showing off and flaring to others.

Definitely read up on exercising the fish, especialy when you separate them/jar them.

Because both parents are HM, there is more chance of getting a large spread. but dont expect it yet. patience is so hard, but worth it.

off topic- Dont forget, you can keep the girls together to save on jarring space. As long as they have places to hide if they bicker.

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