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Am I a girl or a boy?


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The elongation of the anal fin isn't all that pronounced but it does make me think that it could grow longer, making it male. But the ventrals are short and stubby so leads me to think it's a girl and yet again there doesn't appear to be a visible ovipositer.

For now, I plead trans-gendered fish :D I think only time will tell unfortunately

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I have one look just like that one and I'm pretty sure she's a girl, because she has an overall round/oval shape when she's full. Coz of the eggs I think she's carrying and for a boy, he only has a round tummy, not really an overall round/oval shape. So I think that's a girl, but I don't have much experience as everyone else. So I could be wrong

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It looks like a girl to me, but all of that spawn looked like girls to me! They are late bloomers I think, which is strange because they are a good size. How does it look from above? Is it thick just at the stomach then fairly even through to the tail? Or is there a bullgy-ness (sp?) that continues past her stomach to just under her dorsal before it thins out(ovaries)?

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was wondering how little cruise was getting along. Julia's right this lot are late bloomers. From the other other 11 I have only one that has sprouted fins enough to show that he's a he... (he is also AWESOME! HAHA)

There are other boys (I'm sure of this) but they are all still really short fined. One of the others seem to be growing bigger from the looks of it this afternoon.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ohh yeah how is 'it' going :)

I still have the others all in the tank together and have no plans to separate them yet (not until I get rid of all these others!) The only one I did take out has grown out his fins and turns out... I have my first half moon (well one that I've bread) he's stunning. I'm sure there is at least another two boys still in the tank, will be interesting to see if they grow out their fins like their brother as well (have a black butterfly pattern!)

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