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Betta age


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Was sitting here and wondering how to find out how old my Bettas might be?

2 of my Bettas are Female and are only about 1inch from nose to tail tip.

Grizelda pic one is more rounded then my yet to be named striped girl pic two though i suspect they might be sisters since i purchased them from the same chainmart (which apparently does have a proper care sheet/shedule for the all fish- overheard ancient employee discussing and showing said care sheet too younger employee- that most employees are apparently too lazy to fallow) Hence the bad coditions we often find the fish in not to mention all the dead fish we find both in tanks and to go packages.

Back to my point anyway any ideas how to age my fish or at least names for 2nd female pic 2???

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It's hard to put an age to a betta, so much depends on the conditions in which they were raised and on the individual fish. You girls look mature to me and i'd say they would have to be at least 5-6 months old, but that's only my opinion, though an inch is quite small for a fully mature girl.

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1.5" (38mm) seems about right for a young female. My smallest female is about that size, and I just spawned her.

Females should be a little smaller than the males to allow the male to wrap her during spawning. Keep in mind that most bettas that make it to pet stores are pretty old, and therefore bigger than a juvenile fish.

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