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new 2 foot tank, 100 liters


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I just bought myself a new 2 foot 100 litre tank and am in need of suggestions of what to put in it! i did want to have a female betta tank but have read very few positive experiences about this, i was thinking of bristle noses, neons and some fancy guppies? and putting my current female betta in a large wall hanger inside the tank as well.

This is my first tropical tank so i'm not sure how many or what i should do with it!

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If you are going to make it into a female betta community tank, you just need to make sure you have a minimum for 5 females as it evens out the aggressive behaviour so one or two isnt getting picked on all the time.. it also allows the to establish a pecking order

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There are so many conflicting reports of communal tanks out there that it's hard to decide what's right and what's not. What works for one may not work for another. I suggest doing a search here on AAQ, reading everything you can find and then decide if it's for you or not. Personally i have a tank with 5 female betta, 1 male betta, a mollie, a zebra danio and a bristlenose and they all get along famously. A lot depends on the temperment of your fish. I also have another tank with 3 females living in harmony together - there has never even been a single nipped fin in that tank.

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where as my experience of 5-6 girls in a 2ft (ish) tank was that they might not have killed each other - but they certainly did beat each other up.

Just thought I would mention it as I'm sure my old posts have long gone by now... :blush:

I'd definitely look into the mixed tank :D (no suggestions on what as I don't have any knowledge in that field)

If you're close by Jodie's shop at annerly, you can go have a look in there, she actually has betta's in tanks with other species of fish so that would give you a good idea on what other's you can mix her in with...

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