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Fry food at different stages


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Hi, i've being surfing the internet for an article which indicates what food should I food the fry at different ages (or stages of their development).

I know:

From free swimming stage to about a week you feed exclusively MW or/and VE

From about a week the fry should have some BBS in their diet till ?

From that no idea what should I food, when should I start grindal worms? commercial food? Maybe even blackworms (I'm sorry lisa, my food just won't have any freeze-dried blackworms. I've had one not eat for almost 5 days until i gave them some blackworms)



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You can start feeding BBS from free swimming stage until 3 months.

You can start feeding other foods from 3 weeks onwards, as long as the size is suitable.

VE and MW are good first foods, but I have never needed them. I feed my fry BBS the day they start free swimming, and they have learned to eat it by the day after free swimming.

A betta is never too old for BBS in my opinion. But other foods are more practical beyond a certain size.

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if you're desperate, you can always shave off tiny amount of frozen food and feed them that. or cruble up some dried food and try that. I always used the Tim Addis dry powdered foods and the fry loved them. they come in various sizes so you can feed them from free swimming stage up to adult hood. although live/frozen foods would be the ideal way :(

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if i'm desperate I often get out my mortar and pestle and grind some dry food to dust or at least small enough for them to eat. I find they take it well enough when they are hungry enough. but i'm seldom without food for fry these days lol being that I now sell it to others, I have to keep my supply up.

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No, it's not like i've ran out of food. It's just that I'm just wondering if there's any other foods that my little bit grown up babies can eat. I've just chucked in a lot of mossie larvae and it's almost all gone and i couldn't just keep up the supply of mossie larvae and the baby brine shrimp is not only expensive but also a hassle to hatch, i have it on 24/7 since they don't keep very long after hatch and therefore i can't hatch a lot at once.

I guess in summary, I'm looking for a easier alternative food.

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Grindal worms. If they are taking mozzie larvae they can take grindals in my opinion (and I'm sure Lilli has said it before also). I have grindal starters for sale if you are after one.

I put my fry on grindals as soon as they are big enough to fit 2-3 bbs in their mouths at a time. If their mouths are still only big enough to fit a single bbs at a time then I'd say continue with them for a while longer but they should be able to take grindals, theoretically and dependant on size of the fry, by around 3 weeks.

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