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Drying your own banana leaves?


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Has anyong tried drying their own banana leaves, I have a tree and I have tried googling and using the search function but with no luck so hopefully some one can help! :lol:

So basically thats it how do i do it? Do i just leave it out in the sun on a baking tray?

Also I saw a mention somewhere about picking them off the tree when they have already dried up. Im also worrying about putting nasties into my tank.

Im trying to work this out because I have one fish who is recovering from finrot (not sure if i should use banana leaves with him i dont think i entirely understand its uses)

but also i may have a fishie coming down with me from QLD next month from someone (fingers crossed)

Thanks so much for even reading this! and for any help you may give!!! :)

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thanks guys I have cut off my first leaf (that was nice and dried) and have gotten better read about its uses and preperation. So I have one good piece about 10cmx5cm or a bit less and have boiled some water maybe 2 cups and am currently soaking the leaves in that I figure next water change pour that in the water i use has fairly neutral water maybe slightly on the high side so i shouldnt have to put anything in that to fix it up but what about the conditioner? will that detract from the leaves?

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Conditioner will get rid of the ammonia and some other similar chemicals - shouldn't affect your banana leaf at all.

Be careful as to what concentration your potion is before you go putting it in a tank of fish - personally I would just cut a piece of leaf to a predetermined size and let it float / soak in the tankand slowly release its goodness (similar to IAL leaves) rather than try to create an extract.

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ok second time try typed this out once but internet messed up i checked to make sure my post wasnt there and hopefully thats correct but sorry if i somehow missed it.

so basically i just wanted to thank you all again for your help

and that fishbites that makes more sense that way it will give him time to adjust and tell me if it a bad idea before too much is released


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