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I don't think it's to many. Are you going to run a filter in it? I assume so, since you're cycling it. What are you using to cycle it, BTW? I suspect that the shrimp may end up fish food, but tetras may be too small to do any damage. I know bettas will eat them.

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I haven't started cycling yet unfortunately. Went to the LFS today looking for an ammonia test kit and they didnt have any.

I do have a small filter running in it which does 350L/hr. The LFS advice was to use fish to cycle the tank, they recommended putting in some white clouds. I explained I didn't want to use fish purely as a means to cycle, I'd feel like a horrible murderer! But they said that the whote clouds are hardy and would not be killed by using them to cycle. Would you agree with this?

At the moment the tank is just filled with water, some gravel, plants, with heater and filter running so I can at least start trying to get my temps and ph's all sorted.

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I would prefer a fishless cycle so you have a high bacteria population when your new fish are added, rather than use whiteclouds which may not get the bacteria colony well enough established to cope with a higher bioload after the whiteclouds go.

Incidentally, what would you do with the whiteclouds afterward? And just because they might survive a nitrogen cycle doesn't mean they wouldn't suffer through it - I'm with you on that front :applaud:

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Pretty sure Lilli is talking about pure ammonia you can get from coles or woolies in the cleaning isle. Best to wait for her to reply though, especially with dosing instructions as I've no idea. Never used it to cycle a tank before.

You can use water from an established tank if you have friends with a well established tank. Also the brown muck that's sucked up from the gravel in their tank, called mulm, and even some of their filter media as all these will contain an amount of the good bacteria you need to establish in your tank and give it a boost to start it's own colony.

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Thankyou for all your helpful advice everyone :) unfortunately I dont have friends with a well established tank, so tomorrow I'm off on an ammonia hunt! Might try a different LFS as well to see if I can get my hands on some Bioboost, thanks again everyone :)

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