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Betta in QLD ?


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Hi, Welcome to AAQ!

When you say "fancy" betta what do you mean? Your locat pet/fish shop will generally stock Veiltails and Crowntails, with a possibilty of Plakats and Halfmoons.

Or try posting a "wanted to buy" in the classifieds sections once the admins grant you permission to use the rest of the site.

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Nice looking HM but remember there are import fees involved when importing fish from aquabid. From memory it's $25 for a male halfmoon. So the total price (if you pick up the fish from someone's shop) would be $45. If you need the fish couriered to you I believe it's another $25 on top of that so total: $70

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ok I'll see if I can explain this, someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

The $20 you pay for the fish includes shipping to the trans shipper in Bangkok i believe he is.

someone then pays the trans shipper for him to put the fish on a boat to get here. To do that it needs certificates etc and duty fees paid and a bunch of other fees i'm not sure of. That's where the $25 import fee comes into play. It costs $25 for all the fees the fish needs to enter the country.

Once it arrives at someone's it sits in quarantine for a week to make sure it hasn't brought in any diseases with it.

Once it clears quarantine you can pick it up from someone's shop (i think) or have it sent to you by a courier company like fedex called Fastway. That costs $25 if you are local as I am

So for me to get that fish and have it sent to me down on the Gold coast it would cost:

$20 for the fish

$25 Import fee

$25 courier

= $70.

You could save $25 by picking it up but you're still looking at $45 to get it into the country. There's no way around the import fee.

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Yeah you'd be better off just getting one at her store. Most people import fish for breeding so need them for their genetics and get pairs rather than a single fish.

All tanks over 3L need to be cycled in my opinion. Especially if there's a filter and substrate. The filter and gravel both need the opportunity to develop the good bacteria that keeps the water stable. During that time the water parameters are variable, causing spikes in ammonia, nitrate and nitrites and can cause any fish living in the tank to die. So yes, cycle it. Also if you can get some mulm from someone else's established tank to help it along that would go along way to cycle it faster. Mulm is the gross brown stuff you get when you gravel vacuum an establish tanks gravel. it's full of the good bacteria you need. You could also use some well established filter medium from someone else's filter..but be sure they haven't had any illnesses in their tanks recently and haven't medicated. Medication will kill the good bacteria.

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I agree. You'll find that most that come out of a LFS will perk up. Give them a bigger tank (rather than a little jail-cell) and something to look at (plants etc) and they get active and happy. They also start to recognise you and get excited as you walk past - expecting a feed of course.

The other thing that people recommend is fishy excercise... mostly exposing him to a mirror a few minutes per day to encourage flaring of fins and gills etc (most pics of betta are while they are flaring so will look different while relaxed). I've seen vids of people who have trained their betta to chase an object around the tank like the tip of a pen, to get them more exercise.

From stuff I've seen on this forum, someone is a reputable breeder, and if you've got access to see her fish in person in Brissi, then take that chance. Have a look around/ask on this forum, I'm sure loads of people will be keen to help.

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