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I am a International student who arrived in Queensland for my university studies in July 09. I have been keeping and breeding bettas for the most of my teenage life while I lived in sunny Singapore. I guess I've been bitten by the betta bug early in life and so, intend to get back into the hobby while I study here for the next few years. I understand that the climate here is different so keeping these beauties will require extra care and attention. I'd appreciate any advice as I go along this betta journey in Oz! :)



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Hi Jerry! :)

As long as you keep the temperature stable (which can be tricky in small containers), I'm sure your Australian bettas will be fine!

Some people use reptile heating cords to warm small containers. Others (like me) heat the entire room to a constant temperature.

Looking forward to hearing more from you :)


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Thank you for the warm welcome and advice Lisa :) Im actually in the process of obtaining a halfmoon pair for myself. I look forward to being a part of this community!

I was wondering how exactly do you heat your entire room and to what temperature? Many thanks for any info :) :D

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I never worried about heating in Cairns QLD, I had my setup in the garage and it was fine in the winter but in summer I had to keep an eye the water temp and make sure the water didnt get to hot. In Nowra NSW I have 25 watt heaters for my 20cm cubes.


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