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Got my Breeders Today


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Well after a gap of 30 years between breeding betta's I've gotten off my Butt and bought a nice pair of Chocolate Orange Butterfly Halfmoons from someone today with intent to breed them. Have taken them to work as I have more time to view and keep an eye on them there and hopefully give them more treats throughout the day to encourage them.

Here is someone's Video of the pair


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Thanks everyone, as much as the confidence in "good to know they are going to someone who knows what they are doing" well you haven't met me yet LOL I'm what the wife calls an Obsessed Nut, once I get an idea I sleep, dream and eat it ... ( Well not eat the fish!!! )

Funny how you walk past something so beautiful like these Fighters and then one day you fall head over heals for them. Been wanting to buy a good pair since visiting the shop last month and of cause the pair I fell in love with were gone!!!! Back at work we had this Halfmoon Male and I got him all conditioned up ready to breed with another and a little old lady ( in her 80's ) walked in with $35 and bought him AARRrhhhhhhhhh .... So I thought BUGGER ... everytime I try and do this someone will pick the pair I'm trying to breed so I figured go buy your own and put NOT FOR SALE on the tanks LOL So now each day I can go to work without fear of loosing them to customers :-)

So why shy away from the longfins Lilli? I've not spent much time looking into the short fin varieties but the little I've seen they too are impressive even without the finage.

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I find managing finrot and spawning damage a bit problematic. Probably not so much now that I am on rainwater, but I haven't really been game to try long-fin bettas this year. I may get some TO DIE FOR platinums from Nick1960 soon though, if he'll part with any. They're still in grow-out and already have 180* caudals - male and female. I have never seen such an impressive outcome.


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