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So ... what else do I need to know about cherry red shrimp?


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I have these cute little dudes I won in the Newy raffle set up in my former Calvus tank. Ph would be around neutral (I topped up with some rainwater) but as you all know I am not a fan of fussing over pH. There's probably an acceptable level of nitrAte, as the bioload has always been quite low. Maybe if I can be bothered on the weekend I'll check, LOL!

I threw in some java moss that had a little algae on it, and I occasionally drop in a shrimp pellet, although the ramshorns seem to make more inroads into the pellets than the shrimp do.

They have a sponge filter, 80L of water and some rocks and things to hide under and behind, although they're generally pretty visible.

Anything else I need to know?

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Hi Lilli.

There is a lot of discussion and some great photos here


Check out the invertebrates forum to see photos of the Taiwan Fire Shrimp.

These photos show the extent our Asian friends' go to with filtration for CRS.

Sure that RCS don't need anything like this.

Certainly interesting to see the immaculate conditions required by some fanatics......

Here is another great link to a world renowned expert


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Red Cherry Shrimp are great little critters - I got 20 posted to me a couple of months ago - now got little ones hiding in floating riccia and java moss on a log and some very eggy females ready again to hatch out babies. Keep them with relatively clean water and variety of foods from bloodworms to vegies and I also drop in finely crushed vegie flake - they look crazy scooting along under the surface picking of bits of flake to take and eat elsewhere.

So far my recipe for them is reasonably good water (change 30% about once per week or a bit longer) and a small sponge filter that they love to hang out on and pick at, and plenty of moss and floating plants for them to hide in. Watch out for your water levels or put a lid on just incase any get spooked and flick themselves out of the water and onto the floor. I don't have a heater with them as it's pretty warm here most of the time - tank temp is almost always 24C-28C at the moment.

Hope that helps!

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Yes but my shrimp tank is really a shrimp of a tank! 40cmx15cmx25cm - about 12 litres in volume. Made it from a few old louvres and bits of glass I had. Just running it on a sponge filter (smallest available). When I end up with an oversupply in there I'm planning on putting some into my plant tanks and see how they grow there. Just have to make sure fish are removed first! I probably have over 30 of them now but they hide too well to count and I'm not counting babies I can hardly see either!

5 in an 80litre tank - gee that sounds like no water changes for a long time to me! Just some top ups and maybe a change every now and then to keep the water a bit fresher. btw - don't panic when you see a white ghostly looking shrimp in your tank - its just from moulting and not really a dead shrimp! Wondered what it was hanging in the moss when I first saw it - then realised they skin themselves just like cicadas do.

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