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I've got a question about breeding sucking catfish


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From what I've read about the CAE (Chinese Algae Eater) which really comes from India - they are next to impossible to spawn - I've read about a few people who've 'discovered' fry in tanks but never actually deliberately spawned them. Most are probably wild caught or like some loaches hormones used to induce them to spawn.

I have had only one of these and after seeing it stand up to a convict cichlid and convince the convict to back down I decided it wasn't the kind of fish I wanted - whether reports of them sucking the slime coats off other fish and killing them is true or not I decided that it had to go back to the LFS after it got to about 5" in length and started to get an 'attitude'. As an algae eater - it was a failure - either too lazy or fed too much on other fish's left overs - give me a bristlenose any day!

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